Yeah, this is me.  

What? You didn’t think I’d neglect my own visual branding, did you?

I squeeze every day like a lemon. Spend any time with me, and you’ll notice I always gravitate towards optimism and human connection. Other bits to explain why I am the way that I am… 

I'm a happy husband and proud dad of two clever kids. I have a needy chocolate lab named Mabel and two cats that think they're better than everyone. I love living in Victor, NY, close to skiing, hiking, biking, and the Thruway.

How can you not enjoy living in WNY, with its changing seasons and rich diversity, culture, and food? If I can be outdoors, that’s where you’ll find me. Nature inspires my art.

I love cooking and have become pretty good at it. Being around chefs and doing so many food shoots helps with that. You may have even heard of Kurt Brownell’s Famous Shortbread ©. It has become legendary, and I bake about almost 200 batches of it each year and hand deliver to my clients.

However, I still really dislike doing the dishes.

Music, along with nature, inspires me the most. I enjoy attending all types of live music and have seen hundreds of shows. My Airpods are key to my creativity.

I listen to many leather-bound books on Audible, mainly thrillers, sci-fi, and horror involving superheroes, zombies, time travel, and giant monsters. Every third book, I choose non-fiction that broadens my perspective or enhances my skills.

Downhill skiing, tennis, pickleball, disc golf, mountain biking, and floor hockey. I've been playing in the Rochester Floor Hockey League every Wednesday night for almost fifteen years—just ask for Cannonball Kurt. If I’m being honest, I'm skilled in these activities in roughly that order. I’m very proud to tout my dual fanizenship for both the Buffalo Bills and the Green Bay Packers-doubles my chances for happiness or sadness every football Sunday.

I also create aerial panoramas and landscape photography. I strive to capture the everyday world in a way that inspires wonder. Visit my online gallery if you want to add some natural beauty to your home or office.

Now, let’s talk about you.

Are you frustrated because your branding and marketing don’t show your professionalism? Do you have a great product or service that’s being overlooked because you can't show it well? Is your website or social media filled with text, hashtags, uninteresting phone photos, or generic stock images?

Let’s change that! Together, we’ll create effective branding images that highlight your strengths and make you shine.

STUDIO: 950 Raccoon Run Victor, NY 14564


Constellation Brands • Yamaha• Gunlocke• Hyatt• Marriott• Wegmans• Masterlock• The Strong• ESL• Takeform•Northeast College of Health Sciences•Five Star Bank• URMC• Rochester Regional Health• Heritage Christian Services• LaBella• Graham Corp• SD Eyes• Lenel• eHealth• Intergrow• Beltz Ianni• Thompson Health• Iron Smoke Whiskey• SWBR• University of Rochester• Eastman School of Music• Nazareth College• RIT• O'Connell Electric• Sentry Safe• Assured Edge• Rochester Public Market• ARC of Monroe• ABVI• Brighton Securities•Brite Computers•Roberts Wesleyan College•FLCC•Flaherty Salmin•MCC•Drapery Industries•Greater Rochester Enterprise•Monroe County•Golisano Institute•HHUNY•

You didn’t come this far only to come this far.