You’re probably wondering…
How much?
I figured I’d just get this right out front, since it is the number one question most companies and individuals have. Estimate are done per project, so I can be flexible. There is no one size meets all approach, as cost really depends on how many ideas/concepts you want to execute. I do charge hourly, half day, and full day rates, and I’ll provide them upon request. I’d rather not give my competitors an edge by helping them undercut my rates while not delivering the same quality imagery and professionalism that I’ve worked almost thirty years to develop, ya know?
Shoots are divided into pre-production (planning), production (image creation), and post-production (image editing and preparation, retouching). Every job will have all three of these segments, whether it’s a half hour-long portrait shoot or a multi-day campaign shoot.
Just reach out to me, and we’ll arrive at a shotlist and budget that delivers you the imagery and results you deserve!
How long?
I’ve spent my career making creative portraits of executives and celebrities with the five minutes they grant me. I’ve also created image libraries for clients over the course of several days. It all comes down to the pre-production planning. During that initial phone call (or meeting, if I need to do a location scout) we will determine just how many shots we will need to produce, and the logistics involved. I can promise you that you will get a sizable amount of ready-to-use images as a return on your investment.
Can I use these images anywhere?
Of course you can! A large part of my business ethos is allowing my clients unlimited and unrestricted rights to the imagery we produce. You pay the creative fee, and I allow you to use the images for whatever you want for as long as you want.
Many photographers will promise you a cheap shoot up front, but then you are on the hook for paying for rights to continue to use the images, or can only use very specific images in specific places. If that outdated business model seems like a pain in the butt, that’s because it is. My approach is much more client-centric, and I sleep much better at night knowing my clients are free to promote themselves without having to cough up more money.
How do you come up with ideas for the shoot?
We will have a good old-fashioned brainstorming session. Before we meet, or even potentially before you contact me, it is a good idea to have some examples of images/campaigns you like, and that have had results for others. You also need to know what kind of feel/mood you are going for. I specialize in editorial-style portraits and lifestyle imagery, a fancy way of saying I know how to make portraits with an authenticity and spontaneity both on-location and in the studio.
Have you done work for anyone I might recognize?
Here’s a few brands and companies that have put their faith in kurt Brownell Photography. A few names you might recognize…
Constellation Brands • Yamaha • RipCurl • Gunlocke• Hyatt • Marriott • Wegmans• Masterlock • The Strong • ESL• Takeform • Northeast College of Health Sciences • Five Star Bank • URMC• Rochester Regional Health • Heritage Christian Services• LaBella • Graham Corp • RTS • Pfisterer • SD Eyes• Lenel • eHealth • Intergrow • Beltz Ianni • Thompson Health • Iron Smoke Whiskey • SWBR• University of Rochester • Eastman School of Music • Nazareth College • RIT • O'Connell Electric • Sentry Safe • Assured Edge • Rochester Public Market • ARC of Monroe • ABVI • Brighton Securities • Gateways Orchestra • Brite Computers • Roberts Wesleyan College • FLCC • Flaherty Salmin • MCC • Drapery Industries • Greater Rochester Enterprise • Monroe County • Golisano Institute • HHUNY• Max Restaurants • First American Equipment Finance • Artists Unlimited • Nicoform
How does this process work?
Well, the first thing you should do is take a look at some of my work, and see if my style/approach seems like a good fit for how you want to be perceived by your potential clients. I’ve got a pretty broad swath of experience in many industries, so if you need to see something more applicable to what you have in mind, just ask. My portfolio spans many years and lots of industries, not all of which are on the site.
I imagine you’ll take a look at some different prices and other photographers, and at some point, probably consider your company just breaking out your phone to grab some selfies.
Trust me-don’t do it. Amateur attempts lead to amateur-looking results. Not a a great plan for nailing that first impression. Take your visual branding seriously, and give it the time and budget it requires.
During our initial phone conversation, I’ll listen, ask some questions, and we can determine what you want to accomplish. In some instances, particularly if you’d like me to shoot at your location or a specific place, we’ll need to do a location scout. During our meeting phase, and perhaps in a subsequent email, we narrow down some ideas based on the time/budget you have. We’ll pick a date, develop our shot list, and then conduct the shoot.
You’ll have a chance to review what we are doing during the shoot, and we can adjust our plans accordingly. After the shoot, I will edit the images down, and send them to you to review for your final selections you want to have retouched/enhanced/composited. My retouchers will take care of that, and we’ll get you a download link with your images ready to go in your preferred formats and sizes.
How does booking a shoot work?
The initial call to discuss what you’d like to do is always free. If for some reason I can’t help you or am not the right fit, I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction.
For new clients, I require a 50% deposit to secure a date and to work with you to brainstorm and develop a shot list. We will also schedule your shoot date, and make sure we have details locked down to ensure a successful shoot.
At the completion of the shoot and file prep/retouching, I require the remaining 50% to unlock the final hi-res retouched files.
Upon final payment, you will have unlimited and unrestricted rights to all imagery (including outtakes) with no time limits. Seriously, that’s my favorite news to deliver to clients.
What about using a hair/makeup stylist?
A stylist is definitely a worthwhile and value-added consideration, especially when it comes to personal branding. Besides going on set knowing you look fantastic, an on-set stylist can make sure everything (clothes, body parts, hair, makeup) stays fantastic during a fast-paced shoot. Many times, a stylist will shave time off of any associated post-production retouching fees simply because they do the work prior to the shoot. As a point of reference, most of the professional stylists I work with charge half (~$500) and full day rates (~$850) The choice is your to make depending on your comfort level. Another possible solution is enlisting someone you know who has a similar skill set. The stylists I work with work FAST, so keep that in mind. You don’t want to spend your time in a makeup chair instead of in front of the camera.
How do I know I’ll like the images you make?
You will be involved in all aspects of the process; initial brainstorming, developing the concepts and shot list, reviewing the images as we shoot, selecting final images for retouching, and directing what you’d like to have done during post-production. This is your branding vision-I will bring it to life.
At every step along the way, I make sure production is moving in the direction you want. We can adjust on the fly, but ultimately it comes down to proper preparation before we even break the camera out. Don’t worry, planning out shots will not kill the spontaneity. On the contrary, proper planning allows for more creativity and serendipity during the actual shoot because we are leaving less factors to chance.
I have a limited budget, so….
As long as I have been a professional image maker, I have never encountered an “unlimited” budget. I completely get it-it’s tough to spend your hard-earned money on intangibles like images, especially when it’s so much more rewarding to be able to point towards a new laptop or even the fancy DSLR you bought so you can “shoot your own’. However, when you reframe how you think about the images as a marketing and branding expense rather than an extravagance, or an “extra’, the return on investment could not be clearer. If you don’t have a website, business cards, or even a place to conduct business, you won’t be in business long. Sure, you can hit the tops of the waves for a while, but you’re looking to build something sustainable, right? If you want to look professional, you need to work with professionals. One of my strengths is knowing how to work with budgets of all size.
Seriously, I’ve got you.
I am passionate about helping others reach their potential, and I’ve spent many years building a reputation as an honest and effective business. While I will never to simply give away my talents, I have a lot of experience shaping jobs to fit budgets.
Do you offer any plans for recurring shoots or a retainer plan?
Of course I do! In certain cases, your business branding may require fresh and distinctive assets on a regular basis. I’m happy to offer a discounted plan for repeat clients who want to commit to promoting their brand for a longer period of time.
Who handles other aspects of the shoot, like props, location booking, wardrobe?
I’ll be frank with you; I’m certainly happy to help with these aspects of your shoot. However, if you are interested in maximizing your budget, this IS the kind of work you can do on your own in conjunction with the shoot. Obviously, time I spend on any aspect of a shoot is billable time for me, so if you want me to handle all aspects of your production, I am of course happy to do so. Years of producing jobs for large companies and agencies means I have quite a stable of production assistants, wardrobe stylists, prop stylists, etc. If you have limited bandwidth or a large production you’d like to undertake, then these are your people. Otherwise, my advice is to take care of those logistics on your own, and save your budget for producing even more final retouched images!
Fine. I’m ready. What’s next?
Give me a text or a call, send an email, or even DM me through one of my social media channels. All the links are at the top of the page.